Episode 35: Christy Nockels

Christy Nockels joins me for Episode 35. It was sort of a surreal moment chatting with her because I listen to her on spotify all the time. In fact, for July spotify notified me that she was my top listened to artist. And spotify doesn't lie. We chat about how she discovered the love for music and songwriting, so many things about womanhood and her Christmas album which you can be a producer on.

So sit back, grab some coffee or if you are like her, a Dr. Pepper with good ice, and enjoy my conversation with Christy.

Links Mentioned: The Christmas Album

Christy's Survival Kit:

  • purging her house 
  • avocado toast
  • Nuts Over Chocolate Lunabar with Sunbutter on top
  • Dr. Pepper with good ice and lime

Connect with Christy: website // twitter // Instagram // Podcast // Facebook // Album

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Christy. There were several things that I took notes on but one in particular was the idea about raising girls. She said that girls get their identity from their fathers and their worth from their mothers. I have been thinking on that non-stop since we recorded. There's also a study that proved that for every 1 positive word you say to someone, they hear 6 negative words. Those two things have challenged me to do some good with my words. No telling how many negative words they hear throughout the day so I want my words with them to be positive.

The timing of having Christy on the show is perfect because she is trying to raise money to produce an independent christmas album. I placed my pre-order last week and I want you to do the same. Who doesn't love a good Christmas album!! You can order online here.

Thank you so much for listening today. I love connecting with you so come find me @sarahwbragg on Instagram & Twitter or SurvivingSarahPodcast on Facebook. Or feel free to send me an email from the site. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.


Friends, I want to tell you about a new podcast I think you’re going to LOVE! Mama Bear Dares is hosted by two sisters who love coffee, wine, Jesus, and being real with one another and their guests about ALL of life—the beautiful and the messy.

On Mama Bear Dares, the hosts believe each of us has a Mama Bear lurking inside with a ferocious power and an ache for justice that’s big enough to cover ALL the children in this world. This podcast will encourage you to meet your Mama Bear and use her tremendous power for good!

The Mama Bear Dares hosts aim to join the great conversations that are taking place — just like the ones we have here on Surviving Sarah — and add to them by turning the spotlight onto moms who inspire by doing big and bold things in addition to being great mothers.

Listen in and you’ll meet moms you've sat next to at PTA meetings or bumped into in the middle of Target, as well as those who head international corporations and nonprofits. Their guests have cared for children with mental illness, written books, survived tragedy, explored the world, and celebrated with girlfriends —often from lego-laced living rooms. Each week Mama Bear Dares dive deeply into what makes these multi-faceted women more than "mom" and boldly ask the questions we've all been thinking.

Listeners, you’re going to love this new podcast! Listen in to witness the ripples they've started and be encouraged to create some of your own! You can find Mama Bear Dares on iTunes or wherever you listen to your podcasts, on Facebook, Instagram, and at MamaBearDaresPodcast.com.