Episode 125: Lynn Cowell


Author and communicator, Lynn Cowell, joins me to talk about raising girls to be both strong and nurturing women. Lynn has raised two girls who are now in their early twenties so she has a wealth of experience and knowledge to bring to the table. We talk about advice for raising girls through the tween phase, how she navigated raising girls that were different from each other, how to help girls understand that their worth comes from God, how we as moms can help foster our girls uniqueness and how to raise strong and brave women. This conversation will encourage your heart as a woman whether you have daughters or not. 




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Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • A girl's confidence peaks at 9 years old. Comparison happens after age 9.
  • We can be careful about what we say in front of our girls. Model how to handle rejection or change in body. 
  • During the tween phase, be sure to tell your daughters that they are beautiful but be sure to talk about the internal beauty too. Pay more attention to what is going on in their hearts.
  • Encourage your girls to not build their confidence on that thing (that they love or are good at). Our temptation will be to build our confidence on what we can do but those things can change.
  • "The smaller our daughters' worlds are the harder their life becomes."
  • Proverbs 31 uses a word "noble" which means WARRIOR.  Girls need to know that they can be both BRAVE and NURTURING.
  • Be a chain of courage for your girls. If you are scared. Do it anyways! "And if God is behind it, its gonna happen. but if not, you don’t lose, you learn." We must teach our girls to be brave enought to try. Failure is not bad. "Failure is an opportunity to learn something that you didn’t have before."

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